ZomBee sampling still needed!

Evan Sugden at UW is still needing samples for the Zombie Bee ProjectIf you are willing to participate , he’ll do all the work! He just needs to get samples soon while the fly infection period is still active.

If you are willing to allow him and his assistants to come to your hives, look for crawlers on the ground, and collect a few bees – please respond to  easugden@uw.edu. This is basically free sampling!

In return you will be notified if your bees turn up positive for the phoretic fly. Please let Evan know ASAP and forward this to any other beekeepers you may know. Evan is looking for hives in the Puget Sound region, which is in the Seattle area but will consider including outlying areas depending on response.


Map showing areas with honey bees infected with Zombie Fly.
Map showing areas in US with honey bees infected with Zombie Fly.