Varroa Mite Monitoring Survey

The primary research goal is to figure out how useful this method can be. This results in two sub goals:
1) Comparing 1 day drops to 6 day drops.
2) Test specific mite treatments.

Comparing 1 day drops to 6 day drops.

To facilitate this research, we are asking that participants plan for two consecutive days of mite counting each week.

-To start, clear the mite board of all debris, allow the debris to fall for 1 day.

-Photograph the mite board if possible.

-Record the number of mites for that 1 day count.

-Clear the mite board of all debris.

-Fill out the online form.

-Allow the debris to fall for 6 days.

-Photograph the mite board if possible.

-Record the number of mites for that 6 day count.

-Send data to danny – contact info at bottom of this post.

-Clear the mite board of all debris.

If you miss a week or so in between, it doesn’t matter as clearing the mite board will take care of any issues. See the figure below as an example (This is our schedule at Green River Community College), but choose the days that work best for you.

(Click to enlarge)

2)Test mite specific treatments.

Stay tuned for the treatment type and day that we will use.

Please submit your data below:
Data submission is limited to PSBA members only at this time. To submit data and for more information on how to participate in the research, contact  or call (785) 230 4521