Please see bottom of page to learn more about our Officers and Trustees
2024-2025 OFFICERS:
- President – Dawn Beck
- Vice-President – Magali Dieny Eaton
- Secretary – Colleen Douville
- Treasurer – Bruce Becker
- Ex-Officio President – Kit Hiatt
2024 & 2025 TRUSTEES:
- Nancy Beckett
- Kathy Cox
- Jeff Steenbergen
- Peter Nolte
- Kevin Tahmoresi
2023 & 2024 TRUSTEES:
- Bill Chappell
- Kathleen DeVilbiss
- Daniel Kratz
- Brian Silverstein
- Gerardo Dilillo
- Apiary Committee Chair – Kathleen DeVilbiss
- Bee Package Coordinator – Kathleen Devilbiss
- Editors – Jeff Steenbergen, Kevin Tahmoresi
- Education Committee Chair – Kathy Cox
- Events Planning Committee Chair – open
- Extractor Rental Coordinator – Kit Hiatt, Bruce Becker
- Fundraising Committee Chair – open
- Honey Sales Committee Chair – Nancy Beckett
- Master Beekeeper Program Coordinator – Dawn Beck
- Meeting Hospitality Coordinator – Nancy Beckett
- Meeting Speaker Committee Chair – open
- Membership Committee Chair – open
- Neighborhood Captain Committee Chair –
- Outreach and Community Engagement Coordinator – Gerardo Dilillo
- Pollinator Seeds Coordinator – Bruce Becker/Nancy Beckett
- Pollinator Week Coordinator –open
- Swarm List Coordinator – Jeff Steenbergen
- Volunteer Program Coordinator – Kit Hiatt
Dawn Beck, President
Dawn Beck is a Northwest native and a graduate of the University of Washington School of Business. She is CPA who managed finance departments and worked with boards for over 25 years. Most recently, Dawn retired as CFO of Shoreline Community College with a goal of becoming more involved in beekeeping, gardening, cooking and hiking. Seven years ago she was stung by the love of beekeeping and has enjoyed serving on bee club boards. She received her Master Beekeeping Certificate from the University of Montana and is currently enrolled in the Cornell Masters program. Dawn has two grown children and loves spending time with her husband and dogs in the Skagit Valley.
Bruce Becker, Treasurer

Beekeeping Background: Bruce has served as Treasurer and in other roles in some capacity since 2006, and has been keeping bees since 1968. Bruce is a Sideliner, selling honey through his small business The Lazy Bee.
Beekeeping style: 10 frame Langstroth, treatments for mites- have used Apistan, Sucricide, formic acid pads, and formic acid quick strips with success
More info: Bruce is an Attorney and CPA and has used these skills to serve PSBA.
As Treasurer: Bruce would like to see PSBA encourage the city, other organizations, and nurseries to plant nectar producing trees along streets and in yards.
Kit Hiatt, Ex officio President
Beekeeping Background: Hobbyist Beekeeper since 2014
Equipment Expertise: Langstroth, 8 frame; I am learning to appreciate natural forms of hive management.
More Info: In a prior life, Kit spent twenty five years in Seattle radio advertising sales. Communications, project management, media relations and editing are skills that may contribute to PSBA in some way.
PSBA Trustees