There are reports of several swarms happening this week with the warmer temperatures. West Seattle saw two swarms in the last two days and made headlines on the West Seattle Blog as well as a report by King 5 news – see pictures and reports here and here.
Many Thanks to PSBA members, Clay Cook – for rescuing the Westwood swarm and West Seattle Neighborhood Captain: Christine Ranegger for providing an interview with King 5 – way to represent PSBA and to help the bees!
As we like to see, PSBA is in the forefront of these stories as the go-to source for the public in helping bees – and with more and more urban beekeeping it is important that we beeks do our part to first manage our hives to prevent swarming. But, when swarms happen, we can supply information and action on how to respond to swarms. PSBA’s swarm list is the way to go!
Action! If you are reading this please make your friends and neighbors aware of PSBA’s swarm list and provide them tips on how to identify and respond to a swarm. It is also helpful to provide a copy of the swarm list to them when you are going to be on vacation during swarm season – your colonies may decide to swarm while you are away!