Microsoft’s Giving Campaign in October celebrates the company’s effort to support the community. While employees are encouraged to donate time or money to their favorite organizations year-round, October is a time when this effort is celebrated and efforts to maximize donations and volunteerism are underway.
The last couple of years Gerardo Dilillo (current PSBA President) has organized events on Microsoft’s campus in order to highlight PSBA as a potential recipient of Microsoft employee philanthropy. (Yes, we lure them with honey.) This year’s PSBA events at Microsoft proved successful yet again, with lots of interest in both honey purchases as well as in learning to keep bees.
Thanks to PSBA Board members Danny Najera, Jon Tuite, Kit Hiatt, Lauren Englund and Maureen Sullivan for helping at the Microsoft campus. Special thanks to Maureen and Nancy Beckett for all the preparation activities for honey sales, and Danny/Maureen for bringing your bees in observation hives.