A reminder that there is No Monthly PSBA Meeting in July!
Instead, come to the annual Picnic on Saturday July 18th in the apiary (behind Graham Visitor Center). It’s free to attend, guests welcome, but please RSVP.
You’ll get to enjoy some good food and company of your fellow beekeepers plus we’ll inspect PSBA hives as part of our July Apiary Work party which is on the same day – so bring your gear!
PSBA will provide drinks and dessert, please bring a dish to share for the picnic.
- Apiary Work Party: 11 AM to 1 PM
- Annual PSBA Picnic: 1 PM 2.30 PM
- New! Swap Meet – PSBA members are invited to shop/swap at a beekeeper swap meet during the picnic. PSBA will have an amazing selection of wax , new honey containers, and 10 frame gear for sale. Some important notes about the swap meet/sale:
- There will be no drive in up to the Apiary so you have to carry your stuff. You must take all the stuff that doesn’t get sold/swapped away with you. We have no tables for sale items.
- PSBA cautions that all used gear must be sanitized before use and makes no claims as to the condition of any gear for sale.