We hope to see you at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday March 22nd.
All our meetings begin with a free beekeeping lesson at 6:30 pm, followed by announcements at 7pm. You can print a note-taking sheet for the lesson here.
At 7:30 we’ll hear from our featured speaker, Ken Reid. A favorite presenter and long-time member of PSBA – Ken will help us understand swarming behavior and how to manage swarms. You can read more about Ken and details of our meeting location here.
Speaking of swarms – March meeting is also the deadline for applying to be on our swarm list, a list of qualified beekeepers who retrieve swarms as a service to the public. You must apply in person.
If you haven’t ordered package bees yet, better hurry! PSBA package sponsors will donate bees to PSBA’s apiary if you order from them. They will likely be at the meeting to take orders, or you can read more here.