My Bees are Dead: Hive Forensics with Jeff Steenbergen March 16th in the Apiary, 10:30 am to 12:30pm


Join us for a hands-on class in the PSBA apiary as we put on our forensic hats to determine the reasons behind Winter losses.  Being able to identify why a hive died may not always be possible, but we can determine if the equipment and work of a previous colony can be reused by a new colony or if it should be destroyed. 

Registration is mandatory, space is limited.

Bio:     Jeff Steenbergen is a hobbyist beekeeper based in Seattle that has been keeping bees in top bar hives since 2010. He has been on PSBA board as a trustee since 2012 and has held many roles including being a past president.

His beekeeping interests include:

  • Encouraging people to plant blooming trees and shrubs that provide nectar and/or pollen outside of the local nectar flows.
  • Breeding from colonies that show higher levels of resistance to varroa while also being able to thrive in our damp climate.
  • Bringing local beekeepers together to raise and share daughter queens from their best stock to widely spread these genetics in our honey bee population.
  • Discovering how drone congregation areas are distributed around urban environments.