2013-14 PSBA President
It’s been fun serving as President of Puget Sound Beekeepers Association these past two years and am honored to have had your trust and support in leading the organization.
Getting to be part of PSBA’s long history-exploring new directions, ensuring the organization continues to thrive, serving the community and hearing how much you’ve enjoyed PSBA’s offerings – all this is important to me, so Thank You for the opportunity to serve!
PSBA has achieved a lot in just two years. We’ve been able to expand class offerings, improve our online tools and website; We’ve reinvigorated our annual Field Day for Beekeepers and engaged more directly with our community with the help of our PSBA Neighborhood Captains. All this… while remaining 100% volunteer managed. Please enjoy this short video with highlights of some accomplishments for PSBA in 2014.
It is good practice to have regular transition in leadership – to encourage new ideas and energy for the organization. As I’ve fulfilled a two year term limit for the President role, I’ll now step into Ex-Officio President for 2015, continuing as an active and voting member of the board. In this capacity I’ll ensure a smooth transition for our new President (Mark Hohn) and new board members. I’ll also ensure PSBA’s ongoing programs and goals are maintained with consistency as new folks step up to lead.

LtoR: Brian Talbert, Mark Hohn, Danny Najera, Kathy Cox,Gerardo Dilillo, Mary Anne Szollar, Krista Conner, Bruce Becker, Mel Bird, Gail Eshom, Maureen Sullivan.
Not pictured: Amy Lassen, Elaina Jorgensen, Jeff Steenbergen
I’m excited by the experience and diverse talents the new board brings to the table, and I’m more than confident that Mark as President will sustain and expand on the momentum PSBA currently has. I’m looking forward to 2015 and beyond -seeing PSBA tackle the possibilities – Let’s work together to make 2015 a great year for PSBA!
You can reach me at ex-officio-president@pugetsoundbees.org
Krista Conner, President PSBA 2013-14