PhD Entomologist and PSBA member Danny Najera has been conducting a Hive Weight Research Project over the last 6 months.
Overwinter Weight Loss Project
This research project has one primary goal and one secondary goal, each improves local beekeeping knowledge. The primary goal is to learn how much honey our local honeybees use (generally) over the winter to keep their colonies alive. The secondary goal is to identify factors that contribute the most to honey use during the winter.
Hives can be weighed by many means, of which I will use a non-invasive method discussed by Tom Rearick from This method involves weighing a side or multiple sides (front, back, left, or right side) as an estimate of the overall hive weight. At minimum, the hive will need to be weighed two times, before the winter hits and sometime after winter has progressed. The difference and relative amount will be compared to address the primary goal of this research. For each hive measured, many variables will be recorded to address the secondary goal of this research. The specific variables include, but are not limited to: Location, geographical factors, hive construction, and hive orientation.

Requirements for Participation
The only requirements are that you have a colony that is alive and the hive can be measured for weight. This means Nucs, 10-framers, shallows, deeps, everything is a go. If you are able to weigh your own hives, pass the information onto me ( or 785 230 4521) with a brief description of how you have weighed the hive. If you are unable to weigh your own hives I can come to your place and measure for you. A copy of the data sheet can be provided so that you can fill out the information as needed.
Privacy: I respect that this project will only work with voluntary help. If you would prefer that some information be confidential or remain private, please indicate this. In addition, I will guarantee that the information obtained will not be used for any other purpose than the analysis outlined here.