Shed Cleanout/up
Thank you to everyone who came out to help us with the shed.
Everyone got good and dirty, but the shed got clean.
We removed everything from the shed, sorted and organized, cleaned, and got everything put back neat and tidy. We even had enough helpers to scrape and clean 30+ boxes and many many frames.
We are ready for spring!
Kathleen Devilbis, Apiary Manager
November 14th Potluck, Business Meeting and Elections
Please bring a dish and join us for the 2023 potluck at the Graham Visitors Center. Dinner 6:30pm to 7:30pm, business meeting with Zoom starts at 7:30pm. This year we are asking people to please register (free, non-members welcome) to help with dessert planning. We have some great gear to raffle off and hope you will join us. Registration is at the bottom of the calendar invite.