This mid-summer flower will have bees falling over themselves to work, and it is not uncommon to see multiple types of bees, and butterflies working a single flower head in harmony. Globe Thistle has spiked looking spherical blue/indigo flowers that are “hedgehog like” or Echinos in Greek. While the common name says thistle this plant is actually in the aster family, and its leaves do not have any spines that you would expect from a thistle. However because the leaves are rough looking with deep cuts, and green on top with undersides that are slightly hairy and sliver green they can appear to resemble thistles. This perennial is low maintenance, drought tolerant, and likes well drained soil which makes it well suited for local gardens. Plant in full sun and water regularly to initially to establish plants. New plants can be started from seed or root cuttings, while mature plants can be fussy when moved and do best when foliage is only cut back in spring.