Activities are picking up on the Eastside for PSBA through the area captain program. Ken Argo has been contacted by several Eastside beekeepers with questions and various interesting situations in their hives. Ken organized a group “Hive Inspection” party for those keepers with questions and a desire to learn more. As the keepers arrived at the backyard apiary Ken received a swarm call. The timing could not have been better. This provided a rare opportunity – the hive inspection party finished with a swarm collection. The most interesting was the cooperation of the swarm. At the initial call were 20 feet up in a tree, then they moved 40 feet up. By the time the hive inspections were completed and the swarm catchers were on their way the swarm moved to a comfortable 4 feet! It was almost too easy. There was much fun and learning in the day.
by Redmond Neighborhood Captains: Mary Anne Szollar and Ken Argo