In this class you will learn about one of the top threats to honey bee health, Nosema. Evan Sudgen, Entomologist and UW Lecturer will explain everything you as a beekeeper need to know to help manage this parasite and keep your bees healthy.
Topics that will be covered:

Introduction to Nosema
- Why It’s Important to Beekeepers
- History of Nosema
- Nosema Biology
- New Aspects, including Nosema ceranae Introduction
Collecting Samples of Nosema
- Techniques for Collecting
- Lab Preparation
- Examination
Management of Nosema
- Detection in Hive
- Analysis Overview
- Treatment
Class Date and Time: Thursday January 15th 2014, 6:30 – 9:00 PM
Class Fee: $20 per individual
Class will be held on UW campus, Johnson Hall Room 122.
Driving and Parking directions for UW Johnson Hall.