PSBA received this invite from PSBA member Evan Sugden, please partake if it sounds fun!
UW Farm Bee Club is designing/choreographing a bicycle troupe to ride in the Fremont Solstice Parade on June 22nd. It is part of a fund-raising effort for the UW Farm Science With Bees summer course and the Bee Club. We are looking for about 12 riders, of whom 10 will comprise a swarm of bees and 2 will take on the roll of beekeepers. We have 2 UW art students working with us to help design the “costumes”*. Basically, the bees will be stripy and the beekeepers will be all white with veils and smoking smokers. Bee club friend Will Peterman, a veteran of the event, is advising on the body paint and technical aspects of riding in the Parade. This will be tons of fun and your best chance to finally do what you have always dreamt of and with a spirited and friendly group. Experienced riders are particularly needed. PLEASE JOIN US!
We want this to be a serious design effort but a huge laugh as well. However, we need committed riders to make it work. If interested or needing more info., reply to me at this address ASAP! If you are not interested in riding, you can be one of the “crowd support” people, either in costume or not, &/or you are welcome to come to any of the events listed below.
Here is our lead-up calendar:
- Paint test and strategy session, Monday, June 17th, 3:00 p.m. at the Bee Shed, UW campus. Anyone can come; get oriented, try on your costume. Might go out for food/beer afterward.
- Bicycle decorating contest, Friday, June 21st, 3:00 p.m., Bee Shed. Get your steed tacked up, streamers, etc. to be ready for the big day. Might have a test ride around Stevens Way circle or on Red Square. Pizza & beer potluck.
- Painting party and Parade, Saturday, June 22nd. Main Painting Party with other bicyclists, probably to start around noon, venue TBA; Parade starts at 3:00 p.m. Group photo and debriefing afterward in Gasworks Park, partying. Might go kayaking later, it’s also a full moon night!
Official Solstice Cyclists web site: I am sharing with you, by Google link, images of some past Solstice Parades. It’s our own local Mardi-Gras, only better. This could bee YOU!
*YES, as per tradition, the FULL COSTUME is NUDE except a g-string (sting string) for the bees, but we can make some accommodations. The body paint decor will actually render you fairly modestly.
“Why me?” I sent this to anyone I thought might be interested at any level, rider, crowd-support, party-hanger, or just to know about it because you have been interested in bees or are a fun-loving friend.
Thanks. Happy Solstice.
Evan A. Sugden
Contact Evan directly for more details: easugden (at)